Australian Ductile Iron Producers Association




Membership to A.D.I.P.A. is open to all Australasian Foundries, Universities and Research Organisations, and individuals that A.D.I.P.A recognise as able to make a useful contribution through their qualifications and specialist knowledge applicable to the production of Ductile Iron, Austempered Ductile Iron, and Compacted Graphite Iron.


The Australian Ductile Iron Producers Association is an organisation set up to provide a forum for the dissemination of information, knowledge and technical issues relating to the successful production and use of Ductile iron.


A.D.I.P.A. promotes achievement of high standards of quality in the production of Ductile Iron castings in Australia.


The objectives of this association are to advance the technology and science of Ductile Iron, and to disseminate information to members by exchange of technical and production knowledge; through association meetings; seminars; compilation and distribution of reports; and support information research.


Graeme McKimmie



  National President: Graeme McKimmie         


Tel  - 02 9602 7740

Fax - 02 9602 7780




Secretary/Treasurer: Peter Torney

Tel  02 9648 3500

Fax – 02 9647 2016

Mob – 0417 663 924




Senior Vice President: Bob Cole


Vice President: Simon Kay


Technical Papers Committee: Doug Maxwell


Technical Council:    Simon Kay

                                  Ian Lee

                                  Peter Torney

                                  Don D’Angelo







Australian Ductile Iron Producers Association




Australian Ductile Iron Producers Association            ABN 67 628 241 256


Mailing Address:

Attention Secretary, ADIPA

PO Box 90,

Moorebank, NSW AUSTRALIA 1875